Permaculture, Transition and Biodiversity at the Green Festival
Activities in 2012 include:
Plus......... Cycle City at the Green Festival! Cycle city activities include:
Thanks to M. Steels, Re-cyke ur bike, WAT bike and Bike Right for making this area happen! Cycle City would also like to extend a heartfelt thanks to Newcastle City Council, who have kindly provided funding for the mountain bike forest track, which will be at the festival on the Saturday. Permaculture and Transition Tent At this years Green Festival there is a new annual feature - The Permaculture and Transition tent. The space will be a Bell Tent this year with a programme of talks and demonstrations lined up. There will be cushions, herb teas, books, chat and lots of information about all things Permaculture and Transition across the North East. Come along and take a seat and get involved or just listen to any of the following...
Saturday June 2nd
1pm Fiona and Gill - Proggy Mats, from rags to riches
2pm John Watson - Community based Renewable Energy Schemes
3pm Richard Shelley - Sustainable Economics and Positive Money
4pm Joe Atkinson - Permaculture Association and LAND
5pm Michael Crilly - Community Land Trusts
Sunday June 3rd
1pm Mark Ridsdill Smith - Vertical Veg and Container Growing
2pm Jennifer Liggitt - Nappy free Babies
3pm Beth Currie - Peg Rugs and Sheep Fleeces
4pm Steve Day - From Findhorn to a Place To Be
5pm Helen Jarvis - Alternatives to Housing and Ruth Hayward - Living for a Future
More demonstrations and workshops are to be finalised. You can contact Wilf, the organiser of this space, at anytime during the festival to find out what is happening at that moment on 07906439084
Come and drink herb teas, see the solar cooker fry eggs, feed the kelly kettle twigs, listen to green poetry, get involved in basket making or spoon carving. There is lots happening in this area. I look forward to seeing you there. Thanks to the Permaculture Association for paying for the tent.
Wilf Richards
North East Permaculture Network