Home  2007  World Class Multi-cultural Flavours
World Class Multi-cultural Flavours
It's not just a cliché, it's for real. Internationally acclaimed musicians and story tellers as well as multicultural arts, crafts, dance and traditional customs workshops are just some of the world class flavours to be experienced in the One World Music and Heritage Area of the 2007 Newcastle Community Green Festival. For one of the world's top party cities the potpourri explosion of international culture is not surprising.

Compliments of GemArts, fans of the world-renowned Rajasthani Folk Musicians can do no better than head to the World Music and Heritage Area at 4.30 pm on Saturday  June 9; It will be Rajasthani's first performance in the North East as part of their UK tour fresh from the colourful deserts of Western Rajasthan in India!

The Rajasthani Folk Musicians have promised a lively selection of vocal compositions of the great Sufi poets (such as Buleshar and Shah Latif) accompanied by the sarangi and kamenche (bowed stringed instruments) and a variety of percussions instrument as well as the stunning Kalbelia dancers.

“Newcastle is a multi-cultural city with a wealth of talented musicians and artists all raring to share their skills.  For anyone wanting to find out what’s going on culturally in the city, the Green Festival is the place to be!” said  Vik Kumar of GemArts.

Closer to home there will be a range of traditional dance and music workshops and performances reflecting the diverse communities, customs and cultures in Tyneside.

Adults can try their hand – and waist - at oriental belly dancing, African dance, Dandian stick dancing as well as modern and classical Indian dance in workshops throughout the day. For the less adventurous, learn more about how to wear a sari.

The children can look forward to world-wide story telling activities, traditional costume dressing up sessions, origami (Chinese paper folding) classes, music lessons with musical instruments from around the world and henna hand painting workshops.

The Newcastle Community Green Festival is the UK's biggest free environmental festival which showcases new and evolving practical, sensible and cost-effective lifestyles designed to safeguard the Earth and its inhabitants.

It runs noon to 6 pm on Saturday June 9 which is also “no alcohol” day at the festival and on Sunday June 10 from noon until 10 pm culminating with a spectacular fireshow featuring the Flamenco dancers.

Top Green Tips
Britain throws away 8 million nappies a day.  94% of disposable nappies end up in landfill sites and are estimated to take up to 500 years to decompose (The Women’s Environmental Network). They are the largest single item in our bins accounting for about 4% of waste. Yet washable nappies are better for the environment, cheaper, convenient and can save up to £600 for a first child alone.


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