Lord Mayor: Volunteer groups not interested in sharing Council workload
While agreeing that volunteers have a vital role to play in social life, Lord Mayor of Newcastle Peter Arnold does not believe that they want to take on some of the services which are now performed by the City Council.
World Class Multi-cultural Flavours
It's not just a cliché, it's for real. Internationally acclaimed musicians and story tellers as well as multicultural arts, crafts, dance and traditional customs workshops are just some of the world class flavours to be experienced in the One World Music and Heritage Area of the 2007 Newcastle Community Green Festival.
Green Age kicks with musical diversity
The diversity of the music spectrum comes alive at the 2007 Newcastle Community Green Festival. From electro and techno to funk and punk, from world music to acoustic and all points in between it may be one of the most diverse musical treats ever assembled in one location.
Top Green Tips
Every year, an estimated 17½ billion plastic bags are given away by the nine main supermarket chains. This is equivalent to over 290 bags for every person in the UK . You could prevent this unnecessary waste by buying a cotton bag which you could fold away and re-use over and over again as necessary.


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