
Biodiversity and Green Gardens

Biodiversity at the Green Festival

The Biodiversity a area will be a family friendly celebration of the fantastic ecology of the north of England - in 2011 it will be brighter and bigger than ever!

Activities include:

  • As a first for 2011 the Workers Educational Association are running their sustainability conference at the green festival. Watch this space for more details!
  • In conjunction with the WEA, Newcastle Science City are running an array of hands on activities to explore the impact of science in the environment.
  • The Natural Trust will be offering membership to their organisation, holding a raffle and selling peat-free plants. They will also be bringing along our old but good friend Trusty the Hedgehog....
  • Transition Towns are running lots of activities around permaculture and sustainable living including bee hotels,
  • We have a special guest from the Natural History Museum who will be on hand to help you "meet the species" - identifying the array of wildlife which call Leazes park home
  • All the usual green and eco organisations will be on site with stalls, information and hands on activities for you to try....


Cycle City at the Green Festival!

Bring your bike to the festival for some brilliant onsite activities:
  • Get it checked by the Bike Doctor.
  • Learn basic bike maintenance with Re-cyke ur bike.
  • Explore the city on short guided bike rides starting from the festival.
  • On- road cycle training run by Bike Right!
Thanks to M Steels, Re-cyke ur bike, WAT bike and Bike Right for making this area happen!